It sounds to me as if he is encroaching on the pavement, which will affect anyone wanting to walk there? Roofs, the exterior (outer portion) of walls and foundations also form part of the common property, as do gutters, downpipes and boundary walls. So the two join at the boundary. So I am going to give you an extract from the Johannesburg by-laws and this should give you a good indication of the rest of the country. Penny Elizabeth, the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act i.e. Here is a link to the Tshwane Town Planning guidelines. When I told my neighbours (just one side) what I was doing, they werent happy. Your advise and aissistance would be appreciated. Let us know what the outcome is. They are certainly not allowd to just use yourwall to build on. We need some advice. Would it be legal for us to break through my balcony wall..onto our common propertyand build the wall where it is supposed to be? If they refuse, he could offer to pay the whole lot. First got to come clean/admit: My original reply was with regard to a retaining wall built by my neighbour on the side-walk/pavement. I wonder if you could assist me with a query, we have purchased an off plan house which forms part of a duet. I am however drawing up an affidavit that I have spoken to them and voiced my concerns to cover myself if something should happen. and relative humidity equal to +/- 3 %. Hi, please can you let me know who is responsible for water flowing from one property to another. At this stage, the City of Cape Towns Building By-laws prohibited the use of certain materials including galvanized iron sheeting and asbestos sheeting (though it should also be noted that no asbestos materials may be used for building anywhere in the country), and barbed wire on street boundaries, but they did not make any provision for controlling security devices. for sale, 100s of ceramic molds need to sell fast -asking $300.00, worth a lot more. Recent heavy rainful led to a build up of storm water behind a partition wall that separates our property from our uphill neighbours. 2017 hyundai santa fe. Her dogs are a nuinance and is barking from 7 pm till 12 at night. Thank you for the advice. The wall is on a plot which meant alot of the building bylaws were never applied. These units tend to be used in those projects where there is no kerb or other strong demarcation between a footpath and the cycleway. My question is ,should he have, or is the fact that he gave us his permission to continue on the same boundary he is now building on? The law is very strict on this one. The climbing units comprising wall formwork and platforms are moved from floor to . This is apparently the rule. Neither of us built the wall (we both bought our respective houses with the wall up already) and we assume it is on the boundary line between our properties ie, 1/2 on ours, 1/2 on theirs. The contractor stated that the cost for building these walls will be additional as it apparently not included in the overall quote. Otherwise you can get this information from the Surveyor Generals office in Pretoria. If its a house then it belongs to your neighbour and maintenance is therefore his/her responsibility. You do not have to rebuild anything. If the walls were already in place when you built when you started building they dont have a leg to stand on. According to my knowledge only pebbled vibracrete is allowed when the wall is facing the road. Contact your local authority to find out. (ccc) it will probably or in fact derogate from the value of adjoining or neighbouring properties; Hi there, I recently had my boundry wall topple over due to all this rain. If your neighbour had had a plan drawn by a competent person, this would not have happened. Any kinds of precast concrete molds Deon the fact that your neighbours house was built years ago does NOT necessarily make it legal! My boundary wall also double up as my wall for my granny flat.The wall/boundry wall is at back of my yard and also serves as a boundary wall for my neighbor at the back.Recently the house was demolished at the back and a new structure/house was erected.The new house is much bigger then the original house approximate twice the size.My problem is that during the heavy rains experienced the water from the back property has found its way through my walls and into my granny flat causing major damage to my items in the granny flat.On investigation i found that there is no way for water to escape or run naturally.The problem is that the water has noway or nowhere to go and it just gather to form a huge mass of water behind my wall of the granny flat.This water seeps through my walls into my place.Please HELP ME AS I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.I spoke the new owner twice but he has not taken concrete steps to resolve the issue.Does the responsibility lie on me to put in counter measures to prevent it from happening or do i take legal action to resolve the problem which i am not comfortable with. You do though say that they neighbour signed the plans where there is a window indicated. My neighbour has now built walls on the other sides and was told by his neighbour that he needs to plaster and paint both sides; as a result he now has come to me to ask me to pay for the wall to be plastered and painted on my side. Drainage-Channel - Drainage - Linear Drains, Drainage - Manholes and Inspection Chambers, Drainage - Foul or Storm? Contact your local authority. Have a look at the top of the article the sections on Positioning Boundary Walls and Fences and Ownership of Boundary Walls and Fences for further guidance in this regard. Aruna, in most sectional title schemes large areas including common gardens, the roof, any common corridors and staircases are seen in law as common property and the body corporate has to maintain and keep them safe. C325000 No CAN message was received from.. lafayette parish sheriff deputy. Hi Liz, Hi Penny, Gas Logs Lowes, Gas Logs Lowes Suppliers Directory - Find variety Gas Logs Lowes Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at gas cooker ,gas cylinders ,gas disposal chemicals, Fireplace Sets & Accessories.. Blackstone 278-Sq in Stainless Portable Gas Grill. The short answer is that your neighbour may NOT drill into the wall and add things without your permission. I want to build a double garage that will form part of the Borderline You probably also need to reassure you neighbour that jumping over your wall in case of fire into a courtyard might be a very bad idea. The regulations say that any freestanding wall built with masonry, concrete, steel, aluminum, or timber or any wire fence that does not exceed 1,8 m in height at any point above ground level and does not retain soil does not need plans but you will need to inform the council in writing what you are doing. You cant willy-nilly build closer to the road. Facing North, Easet fence erected by my neighbours many years ago. It is for this reason that I am trying to establish what the Town Planning Regulations which are part of the National Building Regulations werein regard to side spaces and what I want to put up either vibracrete or a brick wall in front of my paint, and its important to you, then you would probably have to ask permission to paint the wall. And no you are not been unreasonable, but you are also not going to have much protection with a mere letter though it is better than nothing. Diane I am not aware of any bylaws that prevent you from allowing trees to grow as high as you want. Walls If the removal did not have an effect on the structural integrity of the building then they were obliged to inform the council, of their intention and get the ok to continue from them in writing as well. Although there are clay paver units available for this type of tactile paving, they are rarely used, as the regular, standardised layout of rail station platforms makes the use of the 400x400mm or 450x450mm pre-cast concrete units much simpler. I really expected better service than this from you. Hi Naeema, The first thing is to make sure that the peg is in the correct place. * lastly, what would base material be referring to for the context of the retaining wall? Has he got any right to that piece of land? We are in the process of purchasing a property in Randpark and have come across two concerns, which i have now got contradictory advice on. (a) substituted by s. 4 (a) of Act 62 of 1989.] Lynn the key is that the pegs must still be in place. Ethekwini Building Control Officer and City Manager dated 4th November 2005 from the defaulters which they submitted on receipt of the above mentioned contravention in which they admitted that the structure was built in 1996 and asked that it be approved post facto. 1.Garage can be build on boundary. The raised flat bars have rounded ends. ie their building sits right against the wall between us. Riaan if I were you I would get an independent consultant to give an opinion. Well Eugene you can always cover the holes on your side of their wall just dont fill them in with bricks and mortar without their permission. You talk about a boundary marker pegs are what mark the boundary (inserted when the land is surveyed) not a wall or fence. Brett if the lapa overhangs your wall it in encroaching your property and you can demand that he removes the section that is encroaching. If its on his side it is likely that he or a previous owner of that property erected it. Can a retainer boundary wall be built on the edge of a cliff? Splitface Concrete Blocks have a deep textured relief which gives depth to the unit while also exposing the inner aggregates. But I have in writing clearly stated in March already that i am not open to the idea and have recorded telephone call with the developer stating that i will not allow this to happen. I have recently learned that they secretly sold the house. It does though stress the importance of taking expected/possible flooding into account at the design and building phase specifically 50-year and 100-year flooding. I viewed plans on record for the adjoining property and noticed that there was no mention of this structure. On viewing all other units built by this developer there was a full boundary perimeter wall. So you will need to weigh up costs overall. What is the ruling on weep holes on boundary walls. If the wall comes down My dog or son could be blamed. But thanks. Search: Precast Concrete Utility Boxes. portland-cement-association-pca-circular-concrete-tanks-without-prestressing-pdf 1/4 Downloaded from on July 28, 2022 by Concrete Portland Cement Association 2008 Concrete Structures Part-II, 2nd Edition Design of slabs-on-ground 2006-01-01 Soil Cement Guide for Water Resources Applications Dennis L. Richards 2006-06-01. My concern is that his plans will have a greater impact on us than was the case when we built our garage. There is an official letter on file addressed to the Classic Film Clip on How to Build a House, The Dutch are Forging Ahead With 3D Printed Houses. He has no approval from me or plan approvals. He originally agreed to this. But if that one metre is in fact your neighbours land, you would have to have the two properties resurveyed and the title deeds changed. This will show where the pegs for the property are, and therefore where the boundary is. We are suggesting that the new fence be positioned just on their side of the existing fence, and leaving this one as is. If the neighbours erected the original structure it is theirs and you cannot simply remove it. My point being that if there is even a few cm of their land on your side of the wall then they technically would have a right to demand that nothing touches the wall on your side. Furthermore, Part K of SANS 10400, Walls is very specific in terms how retaining walls must be built. In addition, will I need permision from my noisy neighbour to build this wall even if it is on my side of the property, as I am sure he will not give it to me. Thomas, A boundary wall is any type of wall that is built on a boundary. he has a brick wall and i have vibracrete. Firstly, I never built the wall it was there when I bought the house and secondly, it is 5 years on; does he still have to ask for payment to have the wall plastered and painted and is there such a law? The cottage uses the wall she has just built, and the boundary wall (on the street) as two of the main walls. Do I need to serve them with notice of my intention to remove the current structure, which they initially erected (mixture of galavanised sheets off street view and vibracrete at street view) or can I go ahead and remove? The position of boundary pegs should be on your site plan. I have purchased a property that has precast boundary walls already in place. Firstly if it was a load-bearing wall and the removal had an effect on the structure of the house then they are at fault and in breach of the regulations as they had to get plans approved before the alteration. The local authority should be able to advise in terms of the building lines. One more question if you dont mind. Thanking you in anticipation for your advice. At the discretion of the local highways department, the guidance that recommends red units for light-controlled crossings and buff or grey for other crossing can sometimes be over-ruled when there would be an aesthetic clash of materials or colours. The neighbour employed contractors to drill large drainage holes drainage the wall citing local bylaws allowing for stormwater drainage across neighbouring properties. as well as the guards who chats all night) and its like our privacy has been violated. (2) Such means of stormwater disposal may be in addition to or in combination with any drainage works required in terms of regulation F4(2). You should be at the police station reporting his threats. This is rather like boundary walls and fences where the focus is on the roadside fences/walls. who is responsible for the account? Quadrix. About 13 years ago we purchased our property which had a wire fence separating our property from the neighbours at the back. If the wall is fully on your property and you paid for it, it belongs to you. Specifically, concerns related to the safety of children and accidental contact with the live wires. I will also give them a copy. Our property boundry wall is normal 1.7 m wall (non Brick.) Our front entrance to the business is fine but the bigger 2nd entrance which is used on a daily basis numerous times is located in that street going past the flats. Go to a local readi-mix producer or quarry and purchase some concrete sand. I wonder if you could help. Johannesburg? Trustees are the people who authorise repairs and maintenance to common property but may not carry out improvements without referring the matter to the body corporate. We are building in Pretoria. california recording laws system76 gazelle vs oryx 1964 to 1966 ford thunderbird convertible for sale. However, as I said at the outset, if the tenants damage the wall, or do something that leads to damage, they (or you as the owner) could be held liable. But do so in writing and hand deliver the letter and make sure somebody signs for it at the local authority. For you to build now, you will need plans drawn up by a competent person. Question though May (acceptable practice) an existing lateral wall be used as a supporting wall for a roof, thereby enclosing a patio area, making it an additional room, attached to the existing dwelling? Are we going to have a problem? The official document Boundary Walls and Fences Policy acknowledges the fact that all fences and boundary walls that front onto public streets are highly visible and therefore have a direct bearing on the character as well as what they term the visual amenity of neighbourhoods. Martin, I can only tell you what the building regulations say you may well have other rights, but you would need to get legal advice on this. Your best option may be to talk nicely to your neighbour and see if the two of you can come up with a plan that screens their view and maintains your privacy. I built a boundary wall of up to 1.5m high around the yard. Hi there. Margot I am simply restating what the City of CTs walls and fences says. Hi Andy, 1986. Part of the fence started breaking within 2 days despite a 5 year guarantee. So I would think it would be deemed reasonable to ask them not to lean things up against the wall. Town planning regulations, on the other hand, are bylaws that are developed by individual local authorities. A lawyer would be able to advise on whether they can remove the fence legally, without your approval. Some studs rely on drilling and gluing into position, while others use a high strength adhesive or epoxy resin to fix them into position. If in fact it is over the building line, you can ask the council to force them to demolish the wall. For controlled crossings, the blister paving should span the full width of the crossing, from the dropper kerb on the right-hand side, to the dropper on the left-hand side (or as near as dammit without needing to cut the units). However, bear in mind that you will need to comply with the estate guidelines even if the City allows people to build closer to their boundaries in your area. They have gone further and installed brick air vents for their rooms showing on our side, again I stress this is the portion that forms the wall separating properties. Ridwaan it depends what was used to build the wall i.e. The municipalty are now going to advertise and ask for objections. The property in question has been back filled, and the height of the garden above ground. Because inspector is telling my husband that regulations have changed and they can do this. give him a certain length of time and state that you will take legal action if he doesnt comply). for sale near me There is some useful information in this article about the City of Cape Towns walls and fence policy. The questions i have are 1) What is the height that i can build up to in the northern suburbs Johannesburg area without need to submit anything for approval? I suggest you check with your local authority first. Tinnitus is the most claimed disability in the VA system. 3) with the previous experience with our neighbour , we have learnt that what he says and does are to different things, so our request to him was to put it in wrighting that he would never build another building on our side of his property single stracture or doulble and if he did the would be a penilty. I am currently residing in a double storey house.My current neighbours If for example he built the wall, he wouldnt have to ask your permission to change it. We're not sure all the applications we've seen are strictly in accordance with the official guidance, but what follows is a general guide to possible uses, and is factually correct, to the best of our knowledge. I think you should get a lawyer to put something in writing stating that you will not allow them to move the wall under any circumstances. sale Note that the tactile paving is aligned longitudinally for the cycleway section (right-hand side) and transversely for the pedestrian section (left-hand side), and that the cycleway pavement is closest to the carriageway. This is why it is so important to ensure that boundary walls and fences are correctly positioned in the first place. We are now considering putting in french drains under our lawn, but where are we allowed to go with the water drained? Hi Christo, Recently we decided to extend our home and when we got the property plans from the local municipality we realised that the new fence is actually 6 metres into our property and not on the boundary line at all so a good 138 square metres or our property is actually on the neighbours side.. I built a boundary wall on my property line as pegged. Are you saying that they are wanting you to replaster the wall? The trees have subsequently been removed. You need to check with both regarding allowable distances between free-standing homes in the development as well as the percentage of land each plot can be developed. You cannot be expected to maintain the house. It certainly seems it is the bylaws that govern the issue in Cape Town. for sale You will see there is a link to a booklet with further information. Boundary Walls and Fences Policy. They have stated in a letter to Council that in 1996 the work they did on the boundary which was creating a soil c) 1,0 m for walls as described in (b) but with a surface area greater than 7,5 sq m; 2221 Plainfield Ave NE #109 Grand Rapids, MI 49505. What is my alternate route. Thank you for your reply. standard m200 blocks in the durban area,I have tryd calling our city I have recently been informed that these animals are dangerous but the owner is not willing to consider our issues. The key element with tactile paving is that different surface profiles are intended to denote different hazards, and these are outlined below. Prior to the new National Building Regulations coming into affect in 2008, the regs of 1990 were in force and I see that the neighboring property was only sold in 1990! Town planning regulations do not form part of the National Building Regulations. Please help as i do not have any solution to the problem.Thank you. Which legislation of rights can be look into about this to see what OUR rights as business owners are with regards to this matter? Write to your local council planning department and ask them to investigate. Do I need to get plans passed or can I go ahead? Die builder said that we need windows there for cross ventilation. As I believe it could harm my dog as he likes to jump up against the wall and look over from time to time. to the pre-cast wall without removing it? My house which is plastered forms part of the face brick boundary wall splitting the two properties. i.e. If you have a look at the link I have given you scroll down to Control of Unreasonable Levels of Dust and Noise you will see that anyone who is involved in demolition, excavation and building work has to take care not to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the amenity of the neighborhood. When you say you gave permission for the garage to be built over boundary, do you mean up to the boundary? required by the National Building Regulations and Building Standards. What is the requirement for boundary wall, Can it be a one brick wall or must it be a 9 wall. 1. your advice would be greatly appreciated. They should be able to answer all plumbing-related queries and give you some advice. Trulia provides an online real estate database containing property listings both for sale and rental purposes. Used for rail, tram and, increasingly, bus stops in non-station applications, ie, on the open street. Cape Town. You will find contact details on their website. Alternatively you could send a letter (preferably from a lawyer) to the neighbour to say that the smoke is adversely affecting your home and your health and demand that he demolishes the structure. We have wooden fencing between our next door neighbours house and ours. A boundary wall up to 1.8m high is considered minor building work see the article here: minor-building-work and you do not need plans, BUT you need to inform the council in writing. 25/03/2013 The walls are very high on the neighbours side. in the correct place). Who originally erected the wall? I need some advice please. My neighbour has no objection and my contractor advised that I do not require any municipal or other approvals. Any structure closer to the boundary than the normal building line allows will also need the neighbours permission. If he truly measured he would have seen a discrepancy between what he measured and what council has on record. Hi Lauren, If you have a copy of your house plans then the boundaries will be marked on there. I have to contact our local town planner this week and I will also ask her for her opinion and let you know if I find anything more out. The thing is that the Building Regulations are minimal requirements and the local authorities have the right to demand whatever they want! I am staying in Helderberg, A year ago a woman bought the house next door. We now have water draining from the neighbours property directly in a line to our front door. this new addition will devalue my home from being a free standing property to a semi detached home I spoke to the building contractor to lift the wall., Area of openings in elevation sq m - Minimum boundary distance meters 2. Hi, You cannot simply drain it onto a neighboring property. I still dont know what he means. Totally illegal. Correct, the wall was built without plan and it encroaches on municipal land (pavement). I have approached them but to no avail. Suffice to say that an approximate visual calculation is that the structure measure 6 m left to right + 3 m deep with a thatched roof rising approximately 2.5 meters above supporting gum pole with Contact your local authority for details. First, you have to remove the existing shingles and dispose of them properly. What can i do about this. hi i would like to know if i need a plan to erect a boundy wall at the 2. Is this legal? Originally, they were often used as 'temporary' tactiles, on crossings where the local Highways Department hoped to effect a more permanent tactile pavement at some point in the future, but their performance has surpassed expectations and they are now commonly fitted as permanent fixtures. Maria this sounds like a nightmare! Sorry! People cant just claim municipal land for themselvesother than perhaps planting on it, provided it doesnt deprive others of their rights . up to 5 sq m1,0 meters Do have any recourse. Neville dont ever rely on emailing the cops. his fence is at max hight from his garden but my land is about 1m above his. This will show you that one no longer requires neighbours consent to build on a boundary but I am not convinced that it would allow manholes right up to a boundary. My issue is the noise (being made by cars slowing down etc. But if you want to go higher than this anywhere you WILL need permission from the council and from her. Good morning I would like to find out what is the border line distance from road for my wall as I want to install sliding gate and fence in front of yard. Tactile' is the term given to paving units that bear a distinctive, raised surface profile to be detected by both sighted and visually impaired pedestrians. The regulations for minor building work state: Any freestanding wall built with masonry, concrete, steel, aluminum, or timber or any wire fence that does not exceed 1,8 m in height at any point above ground level and does not retain soil does not need plans. Alternatively you could get in an engineer and have a proper retaining wall designed and built. Kyle your best bet is to have your property surveyed by a professional land surveyor. I stay in Gauteng, Centurion. If the fences are on their side, the best way to overcome the problem would probably be to erect your own fence even if its wire mesh that you can grow plants over to hide their structure. However if he is raising it above 2.1 m he does need approved plans. Hi Melanie we think hes shot himself in the foot, so to speak! According to them it is built on their property, therefore we have the ugly side of it. Our concern is that is the palisade goes the fence will possibly go as well and who then is responsible with replacing it. The area is Sandton, The owner just keeps telling me we need to compromise. By-laws differ from city to city but mostly they take the gates into account when they calculate the 40%. Americanlisted has classifieds in Memphis, Tennessee for art and antiques, Classical Antiquities, Contemporary, Impressionist, old masters, modern art, new artists and art historians. i recently moved into a home, there is a watcrete fence between my property and next door. If there is a possibility of linking a drainage system to the municipal stormwater system you will need their approval. And you are absolutely right in terms of the boundary wall. Just one question, did you check with the local authority whether they needed plans to raise the height of your wall? Ruan, you will need to consult with a qualified plumber who is also registered. believe.please help. Adrian it depends on several factors including whether the foundations are adequate, whose wall it is if it is a common wall (i.e. We are wanting to put up a fence in the front of the house, just so that when we get our dog we can let him/her run all the way around the house and not be stuck at the back. Contact Carte Blanche and the SPCA! What are my rights on this? I am building a new home in the Western Cape / Sedgefield/ Myoli Beach area and have submitted plans for a 1.8 meter high perimeter wall which was rejected as the maximum street wall height is 1.2 meters or an application is to me made on a standard form to lift the restriction to anything under 2.1 meters. (a) is satisfied that the application in question complies with the requirements of this Act and any other applicable law, it shall grant its approval in respect thereof; she is also building a structure ( looks like a cottage) off the wall in the corner of her property. back from the actual boundary. The municipality want to put up fencing enclosing the flats and that road completely with there only being 1 possible entrance right on the far, other side of the flats where that road eventually ends up. The property would have been surveyed before it was sold originally, and if you dont have a copy of this drawing, you get one from the Surveyor Generals office in Pretoria. Approval must be obtained under the SANS 10400 Part A20 Classification and Designation of Occupancies.