Their God, as ours, would prove Himself a consuming fire. There is much debate about the meaning of aboutsix hundred thousand men on foot. ), eleph may have meant "hundred" or "unit of ten" or some other number smaller than "thousand," though the evidence to support this theory is presently weak, in my opinion. See the power and efficacy of that blessing, when God commands it, Be fruitful and multiply. Verse 37 itself is a turning point in the book of Exodus. Holiness in Scripture is as much made to depend on redemption as God's being able righteously to come and dwell in our midst. It is only to be read in the light of Christ and of God's revelations about Him: all then is clear and plain. 35 And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: 36 And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent . He loves and cherishes the name in which He has bound up the objects of His choice with Himself. From Rameses to Succoth Rameses appears to have been another name for Goshen, though it is probable that there might have been a chief city or village in that land, where the children of Israel rendezvoused previously to their departure, called Rameses.As the term Succoth signifies booths or tents, it is probable that this place was so named from . Another fact is mentioned before we close the chapter, and one of deep and grave practical instruction. Much as one rejoices through the mercy of God in that which is built upon it and is its complement, sweet and precious as it is to follow by the way of resurrection into heavenly glory itself, never forget for a moment that what stands alone in depth of suffering and in efficacious value before God is the death of Christ. (Menochius) --- Socoth, or tents, perhaps the scen of Antoninus, or So the inauguration of this Passover feast.The Lord said in verse sixteen. Now they were to really sort of stuff themselves when they ate this lamb. Carefully remember that this does not imply that the word " Jehovah" was not known. Perhaps the prohibition of breaking the bones (see the application to Jesus in John 19:36) relates to this same point. And this is the more striking, because God emp 37._And the children of Israel journeyed. Firstborn and the Exodus The four hundred and thirty years is mentioned by Paul in Galatians 3:16-17 to date the giving of the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai. I believe that if it weren't for God's protecting hand, Satan would've already wiped all of us out. Multitude of People both Jews and non-Jews, And a mixed multitude also went up with them,. From countries and cities with habitations, God lea EXODUSNOTE ON EXODUS 12:37 While the sons of Jacob and their Exodus 12 Commentary | Old Testament | Matthew Henry | That was a temporal deliverance, to be celebrated in their generations; this . It reminds one of that which the Gospels tell us. In other words, it was four hundred and thirty years to a day. Much ingenuity has been ISRAEL LED OUT OF EGYPT (:46) Instructions Regarding Partaking, you are not to bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house,. The Sovereign Master made them His property: they are a part of that which He purchased to Himself by blood. All you planted was a bare grain, and God gives it a body that pleases Him, so is the resurrection from the dead. It doesn't really make sense from an intellectual standpoint. THE PASSOVER FEAST It is clear that God must be the best judge. That was a temporal deliverance to be celebrated in their generation; this is an eternal redemption to be celebrated in the praises of glorious saints, world without end. For material, see expository section of this commentary. In their haste to leave, it had not become leavened, since they weredriven out of Egypt and could not delay. God was there as a Judge, dealing with man's sin. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ON FOOT _that were_ MEN] i.e. Some one of thesesituated, perhaps, near the modern Tel-Dafneh, fifteen miles south-east of Taniswas the first halt of the Israelites. For the believer it is not prowess or wisdom that secures the victory. ", "There is also a double account of the miracle of the quails in Exodus 16:1-36 and Numbers 11:1-35. There were other requisitions on God's part which showed that this had another and an infinitely more solemn character than the preceding plagues. The truth is that He speaks of good men and bad men; that He mentions not only what was excellent in the good, but such distressing and shameful things as draw out His own chastening it may be for a long while to come. Six hundred thousand That is, There was this number of effective men, twenty years old and upwards, who were able to go out to war. Verse Exodus 12:37. I believe God's Word. Further, not only the consequences of redemption, but that which may be the result when man, insensible to the grace which has wrought redemption, turns back on himself, and attempts to gain a footing by his own resources and faithfulness before God. Instead remaining in bondage in Egypt, the Israelites are now beginning their journey to freedom out of Egypt. The fact is, both are true, and this is just another instance of the importance of not taking up particular views of scripture, but of being guided and formed in our thoughts by all scripture. (3) Why were the Moabites terrified of them? "Abide in Me. But there is more than this. One of the most ridiculous things you can ever do is fight with God. Could even that plain have contained them? The multiplication of the seventy souls, who went down with Jacob to Egypt, into this vast multitude, is not so disproportionate to the 430 years of their sojourn there, as to render it at all necessary to assume that the numbers given included not only the descendants of the seventy souls who went down with Jacob, but also those of "several thousand man-servants and maid-servants" who accompanied them. economy, the female is always connected to the male. It was no doubt thus that God was about to work in the midst of Israel. (:39) Diet of Unleavened Bread Urgency of Departure, And they baked the dough which they had brought out of Egypt into cakes of unleavened bread. They groaned only because of their wretchedness; but there was no looking out to God no counting on His mercy. Another plague might, if not must, be the destruction of the nation. It was impossible for the Spirit, on the one hand, to blame the love that prompted the hand of Moses; it was impossible, on the other, to vindicate the act. The writer, giving expression to his own moral consciousness, represents the Deity as directly enjoining the people to do a thing dishonest in itself. What a vast increa 1 The beginning of the yeere is changed. Nevertheless, says He, "I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. The fifth plague (Exodus 9:1-7) was a very heavy pestilence which at Moses' word fell the next day on the cattle of Egypt, not on those of Israel. For Moses was not the elder brother but Aaron, and in the genealogy the order of nature is maintained, as, for instance, in verses Exodus 6:20; Exodus 6:26Exodus 6:26, "These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom Jehovah said, Bring out the children of Israel." (g) Ut supra, (antiqu. All others are merely beings that exist; God is the only one who can say "I AM." Thus, in Genesis 22:1-24, when Isaac was taken from under the sentence of death, Abraham calls the place "Jehovah-Jireh." Summary of the book of exodus pdf - "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. 37Now thesons of Israel journeyed fromRameses to Succoth, aboutsix hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children. But there they failed. The Israelites had been in Egypt for 430 years. How God deals with him thereon we shall also see before we have done with the book of Exodus. But both accounts concur in representing it as "air-manna," not as the exudation from a tree, which is medicine, not food. Reason #3 - Furthermore, this was a sacred meal and you did not want pieces of food dropped outside for animals to eat. Of course by many this will scarce be understood. Such a purulent eruption baffled their scrupulous avoidance of impurity. And they spoiled the Egyptians. He was surprised by nothing. Hence there were not merely insects, or the elements brought in, but God employing a destroyer for the first-born of man and beast. Good way to eat. Douglas Stuart: The main emphasis of this section is clearly circumcision. c. 15. sect. I believe that Satan operates only within certain boundaries that have been prescribed for him by God.We often make a mistake of thinking that Satan is the opposite of God. Amalek has to be fought. They brought some dough with them out of Egypt in their knapsacks, Exodus 12:34; Exodus 12:34. The LORD had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians. I'll not die, but I will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, into the glorious likeness of Jesus Christ. Because seven is such a symbolic number, and such a significant number in symbolism, the many feasts take place in the seventh month. Undoubtedly it must have been a far greater trial to his spirit than the relinquishment of any personal advantages. The manna of Numbers 11:1-35 renders this supposition extremely improbable. They leave Egypt geographically, but it is not till the Crossing of the Sea that they are completely prised from the grip of the Egyptians. From Rameses to Succoth Rameses appears to have been another name for Goshen, though it is probable that there might have been a chief city or village in that land, where the children of Israel rendezvoused previously to their departure, called Rameses. Compare this with Genesis 46:27 then calculate the distance of time The Hebrew word signifies a covering or shelter formed by the boughs of trees; and hence, in memory of this lodgment, the Israelites kept the feast of tabernacles yearly in this manner. But man left to himself invariably refuses the testimony of God. So leaven is, and it's to be excluded, they were to eat the unleavened bread, a memorial. Exodus 12:38 tells us the "mixed multitude went up with" the children of Israel. Hence this method of interpretation must be abandoned. It has been already shown (see the comment on Exodus 1:5) that the descendants of Jacob who entered Egypt were probably a hundred and thirty-two rather than seventy; that they were accompanied by their wives and husbands; that they took with them also their households, which were very numerous (see Note on Genesis 17:13); and that the entire number is fairly estimated at several thousands. Let us then place it at 3,000. Then (Exodus 6:14-27) the genealogy is given, which calls for no remark, save only to notice how grace cannot but assert itself. (q) Which was a city in Goshen; Ge 47:11. 11. But this was not the whole number, and therefore the sacred writer says they were about 600,000; for when the numbers were taken about thirteen months after this they were found to be six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty, without reckoning those under twenty years of age, or any of the tribe of Levi; see Numbers 1:45-46. For, on one hand, as surely as He is a consuming fire, so on the other the bush, weak as it is, and ready to vanish away, nevertheless remains to prove that whatever may be the siftings and judicial dealing of God, whatever the trials and searchings of man, yet where He reveals Himself in pitifulness as well as in power (and such it certainly was here), He sustains the object and uses the trial for nothing but good no doubt for His own glory, but consequently for the very best interests of those that are His. Such denials are merely amusing to believers. 600,000 - This includes all the males who could march. What shall man do to us? The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. (:43-49) FAITHFULNESS OF GOD TO DELIVER HIS PEOPLE CELEBRATED ACCORDING TO SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS. So, "When your children shall say, What is the meaning of this service? between those periods, not more than 200 years, and observe how the THE TEXT OF EXODUS And all the congregation of Israel shall keep it. I arrant you that to the Christian both these truths are made good. It is all a vain thing to deny that which is right according to the order of nature. This is taken notice of because it was long before Pharaoh would give them leave to remove their effects, which were chiefly cattle, Genesis 46:32. Had one and the same author described this extraordinary food of the Israelites, he would not have presented such varying accounts. The Israelites then made much use of their small and large cattle during the years in the wilderness, especially in connection with the sacrificial system (e.g., Exod 22:30; Lev and Num, passim). The body that comes out is not the body that you planted. It's not for strangers. If He thus dwells in us, is not this one of the capital truths which we are called to make good in our faith and practice day by day? 41And at the end of four hundred and thirty years,tothe very day,all the hosts of theLordwent out from the land of Egypt. Now this certainly teaches us some things about the sacredness of the Lords Supper. Note, The great things God does for his people are not to be a nine days' wonder, as we say, but the remembrance of them is to be perpetuated throughout all ages, especially the work of our redemption by Christ. 2. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. You do move. "Succoth was a border town named in Egyptian Tkw. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. Christians claim the freedom from the trap of time, from the ways the world seeks to define us and from the impediments to showing love. The duration of the sojourn in Egypt, stated in the Hebrew text at 430 years, is reduced by the LXX. Joshua (who always represents Christ acting by the Spirit) fought and won, while Aaron and Hur held up the heavy hands of Moses on the top of the hill. See Judah Leon's Relation of Memorable Things, &c. p. 2. Both were granted together in the second month of the first year after the exodus. The two parts were likely compiled into one work around the 12th century, and the dating of each section is subject to debate. John Hannah: The several regulations for the Passover were apparently necessitated by the non-Israelites who joined the Exodus and had identified with the religion of the Hebrews. csgo sdk not in tools . (:41) Marked by the Day of Deliverance. They're not really totally God's people; they're mixed. The Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you ( Exodus 12:1-2 ). I really am not concerned about the past experiences you may have had in Jesus Christ. Whom, having not seen, yet I love. Any sin tolerated or allowed has a way of just expanding until it takes over and controls your life. _ 1. "In Numbers 3:39 the male Levites, aged one month and upwards, are reckoned 22,000, perhaps the females did not much exceed this number, say 23,000, and 500 children, under one month, will make 45,500." The author boldly says, "The Song of Moses in the fifteenth chapter was not written by Moses himself It is a Palestinian production. There never is a hindrance but through flesh; there is no difficulty brought in to distract a faithful man of God from obedience, but God accomplishes the end, only in a far more painful 'way, and often by the very one who obstructed. It is entirely dependent on the uplifted hands of the Mediator on high. But then no chastening is right unless it flow from just authority; and hence the connection between the two ideas in this emblem. How many sorrows are thus escaped! Now it is interesting to me that Satan is called the destroyer in the book of Revelation. One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you. Currid: on the 400 versus 430 - The discrepancy between the two figures may easily be explained by the Genesis figure simply being a round number, or one that is the minimum figure, that is, at least 400 years. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Exodus Chapter 37 * But a king is seen who knew not Joseph, and the afflictions which the Spirit of God had predicted long before to Abraham begin to thicken on his seed there. THE FIRST STAGES OF THEIR JOURNEY (EXODUS 12:37 TO EXODUS 13:22). And the only hope of salvation was through the blood. God was going to put honour on Moses, but there was a dishonour to Him in the house of Moses already. six hundred thousand on foot [that were] men, beside children. 3, 6, 19). Paul tells us that, "When you plant a seed into the ground, the seed doesn't come forth into new life until it first of all dies, and then the body that comes out of the ground isn't the body that you planted"( 1 Corinthians 15:38 ). In any other book there would be a kind of apology, if not an elaborate argument, a discourse on the matter, to vindicate God from all participation in what was far from being according to His own holiness. Exodus 16 Background Information with Maps and Images (Picture Study 65,) that "according toExodus 12:16; Exodus 12:16, etc., the feast of unleavened bread was introduced before the exodus; but from Exodus 13:3, etc., we learn that it was instituted after that event at Succoth." because there God first spread his cloud of fire over them _for Exodus 12:37 children H1121 Israel H3478 journeyed H5265 (H8799) They never were in greater alarm than after they had partaken of the paschal feast; but that alarm was used of God to show the total inability of Israel to cope with the difficulty. Thus there are all the great elements of the future kingdom. Moses and they must know it. fit for wars, beside women and children, which we cannot suppose to TEXT: Exodus 12:1-13; Deut. (2) Is it conceivable that such a multitude, with their flocks and herds, could have quitted Egypt on one day, and marched in a body through the narrow wadys of the Sinaitic region to the plain in front of Sinai? The effect of the one is that the enemy has no longer the slightest claim to us, or power over us; the effect of the other is that the Lord has a perfect right to us in every particular. 328ff., and in Kurtz, ii. families arrived in Egypt with 70 persons (see Exodus 1:5), the people If the numbers of the Exodus given here are not correct, how were the Israelites able to subjugate thirty-two kingdoms of Canaan? But for all that He does not assert it. The actual basis for critical denials here is founded on what they call the "impossibility" of it. When the signs were wrought at first, the people and Moses asked leave of absence for three days only. Let us be thankful then for all that which commends itself to us as true and of God, but never assume that we have apprehended the whole truth. Exodus 12:37-41 meaning. When Peter was examined concerning the miracles done to the lame man and was standing before the counsel, "Men and brethren if I be examined this day because of the good deeds done unto this impudent man, be it known unto you that by the name of Jesus Christ that this man's standing before you whole. He gave explicit instructions how He wanted His people to memorialize and celebrate their deliverance from Egypt. The men might be "girt" or "in regular order" without all being armed, and very far indeed from being all "warriors". And it came to pass at the end of four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt. as to the stranger who sojourns among you., (:50-51) EPILOGUE FAITHFUL TO DELIVER HIS PEOPLE, they did just as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron., And it came about on that same day that the LORD brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their hosts.. Moses soon brings forward his difficulties and objections. Now as long as you were in the house where the blood was applied, you were safe. What a safeguard then to be childlike and subject to the Lord! They are mentioned here, however, not merely because their presence among the departing Israelites indicated total victory over Pharaoh but as indication that the exodus constituted a complete emigration from Egypt of an entire people and their economic assets. think, feel, speak, and act unworthily of such a habitation; and yet in the face of all He here deigns to dwell in us. The Holy Ghost can then lead on in the growing discernment of His image impressed on each incident which is made to be the means of setting forth His glory in the written word. can only explain the fact by assuming that two sorts of manna are meant; what he calls air-manna and tree-manna. But we would choose rather to be absent from this body, and to be present with the Lord"( 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 ). But even Gesenius and Knobel take the word otherwise, and so do Onkelos and Aben Ezra, as Dr. McCaul has shown. Of this people often lose the true force by an unscriptural phraseology. Exodus 37 Commentary | Old Testament | Matthew Henry | Thank God we move. Rameses H7486 Succoth H5523 six H8337 hundred H3967. There is nothing too low or too hard in man to hinder the power of God's grace except the wilfulness that will not have Him at all. The beginning of the year changed, The passover instituted. The LORD delivered Israel without their help they were simply supposed to obey Him and He would fight their battle. The record of Israels sojourn in the wilderness really begins here. 2.) "Rameses" is probably the same city as "Raamses," also called Avaris (Exodus 12:37; cf. Exodus 32-33; Psalm 35; Matthew 15:1-20; Acts 21:1-26.Exodus 32-33 : Disaster!Aaron presumes to solve the problem of the people's impatience at Moses' apparent delay by giving them gods to worship (32:1-3).He makes a golden calf, and when they see it, they say that these are "your gods" who brought them up out of Egypt (32:4). How truly of the Lord! We are here in the place where we may, alas! Assuming that the year that the exodus occurred in 1446 B.C., it appears that the start of the 430-year period was around 1876 B.C. This feast now carries you back to the cross of Jesus Christ. 11:18-21. And that is why they didn't break His legs as they did the other prisoners to hasten His death, because of a sacrificial Lamb. laws of nature are sufficient to effect whatever he intended to bring about in the history of redemption." Thus, it had to be a step of faith on their part. "A building of God not made with hands." "And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua; for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven." (Exodus 4:22) Heads of houses did fall afterwards at the Red Sea with Pharaoh's host; but the ten plagues were in the way of preparatory chastenings, not the figure of so wide and indiscriminate a judgment. In the book of Exodus, the focus shifts to the deliverance of Gods people. Archaeologists have not identified Succoth certainly either. 32. Then Moses finds another difficulty. Every one knows the habit in Hebrew, and indeed other languages, for the speaker to throw himself forward into the chief event in question, even if there had been no express preliminaries which evince the futility of the statement. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all of his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead. Thus is the effrontery of the impious refuted who think it a sufficient ground for their sneers, that this great people could not in so short a time have naturally proceeded from a single family; and therefore they burst out into unrestrained and blasphemous laughter, as if Moses were simply relating what had happened, and not rather extolling the extraordinary power of God in the sudden increase of His Church. And he overlaid it with pure gold: its top, its sides all around, and its horns. A mixed multitude went with them. Therefore the change in the body is the mere consequence of what we have already; whereas Christ in heavenly glory as the fruit of redemption and of God's righteousness is the hinge of all that will glorify God and secure the blessing not of the Old Testament saints and the church only but of Israel, the nations, man, the earth, heaven, and all things for ever, around the mighty centre of all. Hence the Passover is brought before us of which the New Testament makes great account the type of Christ the Lamb of God sacrificed for us, with the striking accompaniment of leaven absolutely excluded Leaven represents iniquity in its tendency to extend itself by assimilating what was exposed to its action This ordinance then means the disallowance and putting away of all evil that belongs to man in his fallen state. The number given is an approximative one. God then sent a testimony to Pharaoh, as He does to everyone in some form or another. A most astonishing thing it might seem at first sight, that after having been thus blessed, the first thing the people find is a wilderness where there is no water; and that, when they do come to water, it is so bitter that they cannot drink it.
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