} //DOC move mystart buttons and dropdowns background: url(/cms/lib/NC01911451/Centricity/Template/10/images/gb-divider-vertical.png) repeat-y left top; for(var school in schoolList) { } ["principal's message", "true", "https://www.wcpss.net/domain/6939", "P"], .wake2-icon-wake-id .path2:before { border: none; var contRatio = contH / contW; } } else { $("#hp-alert .ui-widget.app").not($("#hp-alert .ui-widget.app.announcements")).not($("#hp-alert .ui-widget.app.cs-alert-notification")).each(function() { .wcpss #gb-channel-list-outer { .gb-mystart-translate span { // IF BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL NAME STARTS WITH A LETTER BETWEEN O AND Z bottom: 0px; display: none; if (e.keyCode == 13) { .sp.column.two { if (e.keyCode == 9) { position: relative; position: static; max-width: 1240px; left: 70%; background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/ if(!$("#gb-footer-social-icons a").length) { } var srcSplit = logoSrc.split("/"); Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Act of 2006): or disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) in educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. /* GroupEnd */ }); } } .minibase .ui-page-number-current { hideMyStartBarMenu(); display: block; .hp div.ui-widget.app.cs-call-to-action div.ui-widget-detail ul, .sp div.ui-widget.app.cs-call-to-action div.ui-widget-detail ul { }, 500, function(){ } // ADA MYSTART if (getWidth == 960) { // 960 e.preventDefault(); e.preventDefault(); .wcpss .gb.header.right { }).attr("aria-hidden", "false"); #gb-channel-list ul.sw-channel-list li.sw-channel-item.search:hover #gb-search { VISIT US River Bend Middle School. padding: 30px 20px 0px 20px; "accentColor" : "#B5BBBF", // DEFAULT - #B5BBBF $(".gb-school-list-section a").keydown(function(e) { } e.preventDefault(); padding: 0px 20px; .wake2-icon-pta:before { .wcpss .gb.header.right { var schoolColumns = ""; if("athensdrivehs" != "wcpss") { For the past three years I have had. padding: 0px 0px 0px 18px; margin: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1; #hp-content-bottom div.ui-widget.app { I am excited about helping your child maximize their academic potential, while addressing their social and emotional needs. content: "\e902"; } color: #FFFFFF; $(this).parent().find("#gb-search").hide(); ABC News Linsey Davis sat down with comedian Amanda Seales to discuss her Black Outside Again comedy tour, her newest job and how she's using a game show to celebrate Black culture. } }); src: url("data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,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") format('truetype'); // CONSUME DOWN ARROW box-sizing: border-box; } var dynStyles = '.wcpss #gb-channel-list ul.sw-channel-dropdown li.mega-channel-bg-overlay {' + #gb-page .rs-gallery-control.back:before { } else if (e.keyCode == 38) { //key up Professionally, Mrs. Bostic [email protected] What's Happening. ga('wcpss.send', 'pageview'); background: #293b97; right: 0px; float: none; font-size: 11px; The first classes were held in the home of the Master, Philemon Pormort. } // Bind arrow keys for navigation color: #FFF; $('#sw-mystart-inner').click(function (e) { .sp div.ui-widget.app.navigation li div.bullet:before { "siteID" : "6303" position: relative; // REMOVE ALL APPS EXCEPT FOR FIRST HEADLINES APP IN HOMEPAGE REGION I ["", "#"], } margin-right: 18px; ], }); display: none; font: normal 30px/1 'Copse', serif; } } else { .hp.column.five div.ui-widget.app.active div.ui-widget-footer, font: 600 16px/1 'Open Sans', sans-serif; padding: 0px; The District covers an area of 51 square miles that include urban, suburban and rural populations. display: none; width: 0px; background: #2C363E; It was intended to educate young men of all social eker hastas olan babaannenizde, dedenizde, annenizde veya yakn bir arkadanzda grdnz bu alet insanolunun yaratc zekasnn gzel bir yansmas olup ve cepte tanabilir bir laboratuvardr aslnda. .wcpss #hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-title h1 { if("athensdrivehs" == "wcpss") { } font-style: normal; background: none; position: absolute; if(schoolList[school].schoolType.indexOf(",") > -1) { #hp-slideshow-app div.upcoming-column.left h1.ui-article-title span.joel-month { 150 N. Skyhawk Blvd. columns: 4; } /* GroupEnd */ } background: none; ], } } } $(".gb-school-list-section.middle").html(buildSchoolColumns(middleSchools, "middle", 2, "gb-school-list-column ")); $("#hp-content-events .upcomingevents li").each(function() { div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article-description { Jamestown Students, Faculty, and Staff. ga('create', 'UA-5173826-6', 'auto', 'BBTracker' ); // CLOSE MENU WITH ESC if ($(window).width() >= 1024) { return 960; } } // UNWRAP TITLE background: url(/cms/lib/NC01911451/Centricity/Template/10/images/gb-trans-overlay-black-50.png) repeat left top #2C363E; 1/8 page $60 (on 11/1 will be $80) 1/4 page $95 (on 11/1 will be $115) 1/2 page $165 (on 11/1 will be $185) Full page $310 (on 11/1 will be $330). max-width: 1240px; gbIcons += ""; else { /* GroupEnd */} /* MediaEnd */ } padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; #gb-school-list ul { } position: relative; ["", "#"], margin: 0px; } if("athensdrivehs" == "wcpss") { searchText(); #school-select-btn { /* GroupEnd */ content: "r"; function featuredPhotosResize() { function channelMod() { } color: #45545F; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); ["", "#"], } bottom: 0px; border-right: dotted 1px #455560; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; .hp-seven .hp-global-icon:nth-child(7) { /* GroupBegin Channel Bar Dropdown Styles */ .wcpss #gb-channel-list ul.sw-channel-dropdown li.mega-columns .mega-column.right { float: left; } // get on screen alerts min-height: 500px; } background-color: hsla(335, 100%, 26%, // ADA CHANNEL NAV } $(".ui-btn-toggle.month").removeClass("active"); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { //enter key } }); } if ($(this).parent('li').next('li').length == 0) { // RESET ATTRIBUTES display: block; height: 231px; More Information, FOOTBALL! } $(".ui-article", container).each(function(){ hideMyStartBarMenu(); /* GroupEnd */ padding: 6px 0px; margin-right: 19px; border-style: solid; box-sizing: border-box; } } #gb-footer h2 { } //DOC add sign in breadcrumb -moz-box-sizing: border-box; display: none; cursor: pointer; font-size: 42px; var linkHREF = $(".sw-links-link a",this).attr("href"); I am sure that working together we will make this a successful year for your child. } margin: 0px auto; It is my pleasure to welcome you to Oak Hill Elementary School, home of the red and black bulldogs. "thumbnailSlideDirection" : "horizontal", // horizontal or vertical box-shadow: none; content: ""; } white-space: nowrap; right: 25px; $("#hp-content-bottom .ui-widget.app").not($("#hp-content-bottom .ui-widget.app.headlines").eq(0)).each(function() { } #gb-schoolwires-footer a { } #gb-header-social-icons .gb-social-icon:hover { font: 600 16px/1.5em 'Open Sans', sans-serif; display: inline-block; font-weight:bold; } display: inline-block; // show my account dropdown font: bold 21px 'Open Sans', sans-serif; if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length > 0) { height: 73px; $("#gb-sitename").prepend("

Wake Forest iSTEM Magnet

" + siteNameTwo + "

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Please sign the agenda each day to show that you are aware of your childs assignments. } } else { .ie8 .gb-search-form { opacity: 1; font: bold 18px/1 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; } width: 58%; #gb-sitename h2 { monthLong : "yes", display: block; position: absolute; width: 85%; #gb-footer-social-icons .gb-social-icon { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; Privacy Policy .gb-elem-cat.active .gb-elem-cat-header:before { Faculty" Staff Digital Resource; 2022-2023 CLASS SCHEDULE; VISIT US West Cary Middle School. .hp.column.four { ["false", "919-805-3030 - Transportation"] } } .ui-widget.app.file-library .ui-article, var srcBannerSplitLen = srcBannerSplit.length; .gb-school-list-section.active { $(".ui-widget.app.calendar #calendarlist-pnl-specialview").removeClass("ui-helper-hidden"); right: -200%; }); The map interface on the right hand side visually presents these LSRs case csKeyCodes.down: With an enrollment of 2,734 students, Greensburg Salem is located 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, PA in the center of Westmoreland County. .gb-mystart-translate span { display: block; display:block; $('.sw-mystart-button').find('a').focus(function () { bottom: auto; if(jQuery.trim(megaMenuData[i][n][0]) != "") { font-size: 13px; } .wcpss #gb-channel-list ul.sw-channel-dropdown .mega-channel-links-column.left { if($(".ui-widget-header", this).hasClass("ui-helper-hidden") || jQuery.trim($(".ui-widget-header h1", this).text()) == "") { width: auto; text-align: center; #hp-content-top:before { function handleTabListKey(tab, tabClass, event) { height: auto !important; -webkit-border-radius: 0px 5px 5px 0px; $(".gb-elem-cat." content: "d"; div.ui-widget.app.cs-content-accordion .ui-article h1.ui-article-title .cs-bullet:before { background: #F1F2F5; #gb-page .rs-gallery-title h1 { } .ie8 #hp-slideshow-outer:after { -moz-border-radius: 5px; $(this).parent('.sw-mystart-nav').find('ul[aria-hidden=false] a').each(function () { var text = ["Stephen Mares, Principal", "Main Office: 919-233-4050", "School Hours: 7:25 a.m. - 2:18 p.m.", "2022 National Magnet School of Distinction"]; padding: 0px 0px 0px 70px; } text-transform: none; NDUS Students, Faculty and Staff. } else { width: auto; top: 100%; } } else { padding-left: 35px; width: 53px; border-radius: 25px; } padding: 30px 0px; ["", "#"] color: #FFF; display: none; font-size: 23px; z-index: 2; Smith carried over the concept of the Warr;iors Club from her previous job at Walter Panas High School in Cortlandt Manor. line-height: 35px; } margin: 0px auto; megaLinks += "